Testimonial Company 0

Amazing service, advice and work, the time you took to discuss every design and project, be it metal, teak or carbon was well received by all on board. You obviously have a strong team and understanding of the requirements of sailing vessels”

- Morné Otto, Captain 42m S/Y Tenaz

Testimonial Company 1

“My expectations have been surpassed, the staff at Woodstock put their heart and soul into the project, the quality and service was superior to many of the better-known large yards in Europe or the USA."

- Barnaby Dennen, Captain - 35m Motor Yacht Longo Mai

Testimonial Company 8

“I must admit I had my doubts our boat could ever look good again. Now she is really looking super! I believe we will continue making memories on her!!  I thank you all for helping this to happen. Thanks to Jim and the boys at Woodstock”

- Robert Long, owner of Hylas 46 Ocean Leaper following an extensive refit after severe fire damage.